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From   Stas Kolenikov <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Date   Fri, 16 Jul 2004 18:18:10 -0400 (EDT)

> This sounds easy enough, but I cannot figure out a way to do this!  I
> thought there might be an option with browse, list, outsheet, etc. to
> display the labels, but I can't find one.  I've done a net search for
> user-written ados, with no luck there either.

Reading through the -help list- reveals -subvar- option that can do this
for you:

. sysuse auto

. foreach x of varlist * {
  2. local label : var lab `x'
  3. char `x'[varname] `label'
  4. }

. li make mpg trunk in 1/5, subvar nocomp

     | Make and Model       Mileage    Trunk sp |
  1. | AMC Concord                22         11 |
  2. | AMC Pacer                  17         11 |
  3. | AMC Spirit                 22         12 |
  4. | Buick Century              20         16 |
  5. | Buick Electra              15         20 |

 ---                                    Stas Kolenikov
 --       Ph.D. student in Statistics at UNC-Chapel Hill
 -  -- [email protected]

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