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Re: st: How do I include quotes in a graph axis title?

From   Toyoto Iwata <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: How do I include quotes in a graph axis title?
Date   Fri, 16 Jul 2004 15:43:30 +0900

Dear Donath

`"Double "bouble quotation""' has been frequently introduced
in this list. I wish an example below may some help.
At 16:00 04/07/16 +1000, you wrote:
> How do I include quotes in an axis (or legend) title? ie I want the axis 
> title to read:  number "fully" breastfeeding
> I've tried using a local macro defined as char(34) but this doesn't work 
> because Stata interprets the quote after inserting the macro.

And Dear Ramachandran,

If you have this data,

.input n freq
  1. 3 1
  2. 2 2
  3. 1 5
  4. 0 10
  5. end

. di 12/18

dicrete probabilities should be

. gen p = ((12/18)^n)/(exp(lnfact(n))*exp(12/18))

. list

     | n   freq          p |
  1. | 3      1   .0253539 |
  2. | 2      2   .1140927 |
  3. | 1      5   .3422781 |
  4. | 0     10   .5134171 |

. gen p20 = 20*p

. graph twoway bar freq n || line p20 n, title(`""poisson" distribution"')

Perhaps this graph may be so rough for Ramachandran
that you have to browse over the graphics manual.

At 19:32 04/07/15 -0400, you wrote,

>Does anyone know how to superimpose a bar chart graph with a line graph
using Stata? >Specifically, I want to know how to use Stata 8.0 graphs to
superimpose a discrete outcome >bar chart with its Poisson probability line

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