At 19:07 15/07/2004, Jean-Benoit Hardouin wrote:
In my mail, you must replace "I want to save a specific values of the
variable "nomcom" into a variable, for example," by "I want to save a
specific values of the variable "nomcom" into a macro, for example,"
JB Hardouin
Jean-Benoit Hardouin a �crit:
I have a file like that :
. list depcom nomcom in 1/5
| depcom nomcom |
1. | 18001 Acheres |
2. | 18002 Ainay-le-Vieil |
3. | 18003 Les Aix-d'Angillon |
4. | 18004 Allogny |
5. | 18005 Allouis |
Where depcom is an id. I want to save a specific values of the
variable "nomcom" into a variable, for example, I want to obtain :
. di "`mymacro'"
To save the value of a variable in a specific observation into a
macro, use subscripting. For instance, to save the value of -nomcom-
in observation 42 into a macro -mymacro-, type
local mymacro=nomcom[32]
To save the value corresponding to a specific value of the ID variable
-depcom-, for instance 18003, define a temporary variable and proceed
as follows:
tempvar tv1
gene `tv1'=_n if depcom==18003
summ `tv1', meanonly
local index=r(min)
local mymacro=nomcom[`index']
drop `tv1'
This will set -mymacro- to the value of -nomcom- in the first
observation for which -depcom- is equal to 18003, ie to " Les
I hope this helps.
Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
King's College London
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