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st: Program for 3rd North American Stata Users Group meeting,Boston, MA, USA, Aug 23-24, 2004

From   "Elizabeth Allred" <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Program for 3rd North American Stata Users Group meeting,Boston, MA, USA, Aug 23-24, 2004
Date   Thu, 15 Jul 2004 14:23:30 -0400

3rd North American Stata Users Group meeting, Boston, MA

What it is

Monday, August 23, 2004 
User talks and presentations

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 
Featured training courses: 
* Generalized linear latent and mixed models 
* Stata graphics 

Where it is
Longwood Galleria Conference Center
342 Longwood Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 

The cost
$85 (student $45)   
You can register online at
Cost is for both days and includes lunch and refreshments. 

Who should come

Anyone interested in Stata, regardless of level of expertise 
or geographic location, is invited to attend. The meeting will 
include the ever-popular "wishes and grumbles" session where 
users make comments and suggestions to StataCorp. 

Detailed schedule

Day 1   User talks and presentations 

Session 1: 8:30-9:45     Statistical Methods  
Use of Gaussian integration in Stata  
Alan Feiveson, NASA - Johnson Space Center

Generating random variables from the N/I distributions  
Peter A. Lachenbruch, U.S. FDA 

Econometric techniques for estimating treatment effects  
Zhehui Luo, Department of Epidemiology, Michigan State University

Sample-size calculation for longitudinal studies  
Phil Schumm, Department of Health Studies, University of Chicago 
Break: 9:45-10:15 
Session 2: 10:15-11:45     Data Management Using Stata  
Using Stata for questionnaire development  
Theodore Pollari & Phil Schumm, Department of Health Studies, 
	University of Chicago
Translating data between MySQL and Stata  
Michael Johnson & Phil Schumm, Department of Health Studies, 
	University of Chicago
Working with ODBC data sources in Stata: tips and techniques  
Joseph Coveney, Cobridge Co., Ltd., Tokyo

Using Stata with large datasets in corporate America: lessons learned  
Ed Bassin, ProfSoft, Inc. 
Lunch: 11:45-1:00 
Session 3: 1:00-2:15     Stata Graphics  
Graphics for categories and compositions  
Nicholas J. Cox, Department of Geography, University of Durham, UK

Metagraphiti by Stata: Visuographical exploration and 
	presentation of meta-analytic data using Stata  
Ben Dwamena, University of Michigan Medical School

Density-distribution sunflower plots in Stata 8  
William D. Dupont, Department of Biostatistics, 
	Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 
Break: 2:15-2:40 
Session 4: 2:40-4:00     Data Analysis Using Stata  
Replication methods for complex survey analysis in Stata  
Nicholas Winter, Department of Government, Cornell University

Rolling regressions with Stata  
Kit Baum, Department of Economics, Boston College and RePEc

Implementation of quasi-least squares using xtgee in Stata  
Justine Shults, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania

To help others in teaching statistics using the Stata software  
Susan Hailpern, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Sensitivity analysis on traffic crash prediction models by using Stata  
Deo Chimba, Department of Civil Engineering, Florida State University 
Break: 4:00-4:15 
Session 5: 4:15-5:30     StataCorp on Stata  
Report to users/Wishes and grumbles  
William Gould, StataCorp 

Day 2   Featured training courses 

Training course 1: 8:30-12:00 (includes 30-minute break)

Generalized linear latent and mixed models 

Presented by Sophia Rabe-Hesketh, University of California, Berkeley, 
	and co-author of Generalized Latent Variable Modeling: 
	Multilevel, Longitudinal, and Structural Equation Models (2004).

Lunch: 12:00-1:30 

Training course 2: 1:30-5:00 (includes 30-minute break)

Stata graphics 

Presented by Vince Wiggins, Vice President of Scientific Development, 
StataCorp and architect of Stata's graphics commands. This course will 
cover in detail the basic commands and concepts for building
Stata graphs from scratch. You will learn new approaches to creating
including organizing and managing your data, and creating custom

To see proceedings from previous Stata Users Group meetings, 
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Best Western Boston 
- the Inn at Longwood Medical for August 21-24, 2004. The hotel 
is offering a limited number of sleeping rooms at a discount rate 
of $149.00 plus 12.45% tax per room per night. Please call the hotel 
direct at 617-731-4700 or toll free at 800-468-2378 and ask for 
in-house reservations. If you have any difficulty reserving a room 
at the discounted rate, please contact sales manager Jill Barry 
directly via phone, 617-532-6282, or email, [email protected]. 
Note that the last day to make reservations at the discounted rate 
is August 2, 2004. For more information, visit the hotel's web site 
at or Best Western's web site at 
Please feel free to contact the organizers with any relevant questions. 

The North American Stata Users Group Meeting Organizing Committee  
Elizabeth Allred        Kit Baum                 Nicholas J. Cox 
[email protected] [email protected]              [email protected] 
Rich Goldstein          Peter A. Lachenbruch     Marcello Pagano 
[email protected]  [email protected] [email protected]

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