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RE: st: -examples- downloadable from SSC

From   Roger Harbord <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: -examples- downloadable from SSC
Date   Thu, 15 Jul 2004 17:56:42 +0100

Thanks for writing this Nick - a very good idea. I'll include it in our next Introduction to Stata course - i'm sure the students will like it.

One thing: I get an error if i type :

. examples log()

invalid 'Files'

- although :

. wexamples log()

- works fine.

I can fix it by changing the line :

type `r(fn)', smcl

- in the "special code for e.g. -examples log()- " bit of examples.ado to :

type `"`r(fn)'"', smcl

(i know it wouldn't happen if i didn't have Stata installed in "C:\Program Files..." i.e. a path with a space in it but there's not a lot i can do myself about that.)

Roger Harbord mailto:[email protected]
Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol

--On 15 July 2004 16:26 +0100 Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:

There has been a flurry of emails on -examples-
today. More people than Alan may be interested in
an explanation of where it is, at this instant.

Thanks to Kit Baum, the version now on SSC
is -examples- 1.1.1 15 July 2004 and it
requires Stata 8.2. This is not so much
because the code depends on recent changes
to Stata, as because the examples of -examples-
refer to things that have only recently become
possible. Setting the version to 8.2 was my
signal to users: you need to -upgrade- your
Stata, and that is the answer to Alan. (Or,
get your local systems person to do it.)

When I announced -examples- this a.m. (GMT),
I flagged three things as on a list to think

1. -examples- needs to be fixed so that it understands e.g.

. examples log()

2. Some people might want the examples to be shown in the Viewer
(perhaps through a -wexamples-, by analogy with -whelp-).
I'm agnostic about that, but interested in strong views.

3. -examples- needs to be smarter about echoing repeated
blank lines.

All are now done, as of this p.m. (GMT).

If you downloaded -examples- earlier today, please

. ssc inst examples, replace

[email protected]

Alan Neustadtl
I tried to install the examples program and on execution get
the following message:

. examples logit
version 8.2 not supported
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