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st: RE: Memory Usage

From   "Wallace, John" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Memory Usage
Date   Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:27:58 -0700

-findit limits- leads to a help page discussing the dataset limitations of
the various flavours of Stata:

                    Small        Intercooled       Stata/SE
   # obs            about 1,000  2,147,483,647     2,147,483,647
   # var            99           2,047             32,767
   dataset width    200          24,564        	   393,192

It may not be that you're out of memory, rather out of Stata's ability to
manipulate the data.  I'd suspect the dataset width is where you're falling
afoul, as neither the variable count nor observation size seems to be close
to the limits of SE (assuming that's what you're using).  I assume that
figure is measured in bytes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim R. Sass [mailto:[email protected]] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:18 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Memory Usage

I may be crazy, but I am trying to estimate a fixed effects model with a 
handful of explanatory variables plus 3,100 explicit dummies on a two-year 
panel data set containing 1.7 million observations (about 850,000 fixed 
effects).  I am using a Sun workstation with 8GB of RAM.

I initially set the maxvar, memory and matsize to yield the following:

                     current                                 memory usage
     settable          value     description                 (1M = 1024k)
     set maxvar         6000     max. variables allowed           1.935M
     set memory         6500M    max. data space              6,500.000M
     set matsize        5000     max. RHS vars in models        191.154M

After making some variable transformations I compress the data and then run 

. xi: areg  nrtrgain nschools chgschl
 >           t2001 tgrde_04 tgrde_06 tgrde_07 tgrde_08 tgrde_09 tgrde_10
 >           rpeat_04 rpeat_05 rpeat_06 rpeat_07 rpeat_08 rpeat_09 rpeat_10
 >           i.instid,
 >           absorb(student) robust;

All of the dummy variables get created, but I run out of memory before the 
regression estimates are computed:

i.instid          _Iinstid_1-36994    (naturally coded; _Iinstid_1 omitted)
no room to add more variables due to width

I still have about 1.3 GB of memory free (see below), though I guess that 
is not enough to do the matrix inversions necessary to compute the 
regression estimates.  Is there a way to figure out the memory that would 
be required to solve this problem?  I have some money budgeted to buy a 
64-bit machine with 16GB RAM in the future, though I'm not sure even such a 
machine could do this.  Any suggestions?


. memory
Details of set memory usage
     overhead (pointers)                       6,974,664        0.10%
     data                                  5,499,522,564       80.69%
     data + overhead                       5,506,497,228       80.79%
     free                                  1,309,246,772       19.21%
     Total allocated                       6,815,744,000      100.00%
Other memory usage
     set maxvar usage                          2,029,457
     set matsize usage                       200,440,000
     programs, saved results, etc.               120,605
     Total                                   202,590,062
Grand total                               7,018,334,062

Tim R. Sass
Professor                               Voice:   (850)644-7087
Department of Economics         Fax:      (850)644-4535
Florida State University                E-mail:   [email protected]
Tallahassee, FL  32306-2180     Internet:

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