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st: Memory Usage

From   "Tim R. Sass" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Memory Usage
Date   Wed, 14 Jul 2004 13:17:53 -0400

I may be crazy, but I am trying to estimate a fixed effects model with a handful of explanatory variables plus 3,100 explicit dummies on a two-year panel data set containing 1.7 million observations (about 850,000 fixed effects). I am using a Sun workstation with 8GB of RAM.

I initially set the maxvar, memory and matsize to yield the following:

current memory usage
settable value description (1M = 1024k)
set maxvar 6000 max. variables allowed 1.935M
set memory 6500M max. data space 6,500.000M
set matsize 5000 max. RHS vars in models 191.154M

After making some variable transformations I compress the data and then run areg:

. xi: areg nrtrgain nschools chgschl
> t2001 tgrde_04 tgrde_06 tgrde_07 tgrde_08 tgrde_09 tgrde_10
> rpeat_04 rpeat_05 rpeat_06 rpeat_07 rpeat_08 rpeat_09 rpeat_10
> i.instid,
> absorb(student) robust;

All of the dummy variables get created, but I run out of memory before the regression estimates are computed:

i.instid _Iinstid_1-36994 (naturally coded; _Iinstid_1 omitted)
no room to add more variables due to width

I still have about 1.3 GB of memory free (see below), though I guess that is not enough to do the matrix inversions necessary to compute the regression estimates. Is there a way to figure out the memory that would be required to solve this problem? I have some money budgeted to buy a 64-bit machine with 16GB RAM in the future, though I'm not sure even such a machine could do this. Any suggestions?


. memory
Details of set memory usage
overhead (pointers) 6,974,664 0.10%
data 5,499,522,564 80.69%
data + overhead 5,506,497,228 80.79%
free 1,309,246,772 19.21%
Total allocated 6,815,744,000 100.00%
Other memory usage
set maxvar usage 2,029,457
set matsize usage 200,440,000
programs, saved results, etc. 120,605
Total 202,590,062
Grand total 7,018,334,062

Tim R. Sass
Professor Voice: (850)644-7087
Department of Economics Fax: (850)644-4535
Florida State University E-mail: [email protected]
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2180 Internet:

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