From | Amy Dunbar <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | st: gllamm question - estimating 4 random effects |
Date | Tue, 13 Jul 2004 08:59:42 -0400 |
MAJOR ERROR ON MY PART - I forgot to send the email in text format. I apologize for the html coding.
I have a PhD student who estimated the following equation using SAS proc mixed to generate variable firm- and time-specific coefficients.
y = a0 + a1DR + (B0 +B0i + B0t)R + (B1 + B1i +B1t)R*DR
where y is a firm-specific variable (earnings per share/price)
DR = 1 if the return is negative (firms losing in the market)
R = firm return
i = 791 firms where the variable gvkey is unique for each firm
t = 13 years
I want to replicate her results using stata and I think I need to use gllaam. We want to use the standardized random effects, B0i and B1i, as variables in another model. I have Rabe-Sesketh & Everitt's Handbook, which discusses gllaam with continuous data (post-natal depression data), but where that model has a random intercept and one random slope, this model has 4 random coefficients.
I know that I have to define the equations for the random effects, but I am confused about the time coefficients.
gen R_DR = R*DR
eq coeffB0i: R
eq coeffB0t: ?
eq coeffB1i: R_DR
eq coeffB1t: ?
gllamm y DR R R_DR, i(gvkey) nrf(4) eqs(coeffB0i coeffB0t coeffB1i coeffB1t) adapt
Could someone help me learn how to estimate this model in Stata?
Also, how do I get Stata to give me the individual coefficients by firm? Is there a command to standardize the coefficients?
It appears that I use gllapred, but I'm not sure.
Thank you.
Amy Dunbar
Department of Accounting
School of Business
University of Connecticut
2100 Hillside Road, Unit 1041
Storrs, CT 06269-1041
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