This is to inform non-subscribers of the release
of Stata Journal Volume 4, issue 2, 2004, mailed
to subscribers on June 25.
The journal issue contains the following items.
Cumulative incidence estimation in the presence of competing risks
Vincenzo Coviello and May Boggess
Production function estimation in Stata using inputs to control for
Amil Petrin, Brian P. Poi and James Levinsohn
Submenus and dialogs for meta-analysis commands
Thomas J. Steichen
Funnel plots in meta-analysis
Jonathan A.C. Sterne and Roger M. Harbord
Sample size and power calculations using the noncentral t-distribution
David A. Harrison and Anthony R. Brady
Computing interaction effects and standard errors in logit and probit models
Edward C. Norton, Hua Wang and Chunrong Ai
Confidence intervals for kernel density estimation
Carlo V. Fiorio