From | [email protected] |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | st: Accessing many estimation results |
Date | Tue, 13 Jul 2004 12:06:05 +0200 |
I am trying to store and
access the estimation results from many regression runs that I am conducting. I
have tried using estsave two different ways, both with problems: 1) I have given the
variable created by estsave a single name. This has the obvious problem
of displaying only the results from the latest regression run. The code I
used is regress log_BMI year midage midage2 midage3
ageyear if id == `svy' estsave
, gen(reg_1) 2) I have given the variable
created by estsave a new name for each run. The code I used is regress log_BMI year midage midage2 midage3
ageyear if id == `svy' estsave
, gen(reg_`svy') However, when I try to access
the results of a particular run, I get the following error . estsave , from(reg_1) esample() invalid r(221); How can I get around this
problem? My ideal is to have all the regression coefficients together in
a way that allows me to quickly cut and paste them for display purposes. Thanks! |
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