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st: Re: trying to upgrade

From   [email protected] (Kevin Turner)
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: trying to upgrade
Date   Mon, 12 Jul 2004 12:40:06 -0500

Farzad ([email protected]) writes:

>I have Stata 8.0 and I tried upgrading to 8.2 by typing "upgrade all."
>Everything downloaded successfully, then I typed "update swap" as
>instructed.  Stata closed and then reopened but with the error message 
>Access is denied.
>. C:\Stata8\ 
>unrecognized command:  C
>The path is the correct one for Stata on my computer.  Any thoughts on what
>is going wrong?

The 'Access is denied' error message is generated from Windows and is really
too ambiguous to be of much help. Your best option in this case, since the
error is probably related to the older executable (whether permissions, etc.),
is to manually swap the executables like was common in the previous release of

1. Open up the C:\Stata8 directory in Windows.
2. Locate the current Stata executable. (for example: wstata.exe) 
3. Lanch this executable and verify that it is indeed the old executable and
   needs to be swapped. If it is version 8.0, exit Stata and proceed to step 4.
   Otherwise, the -update swap- worked and the error message it generated was
   not critical -- use this 8.2 version as you would normally.

4. Rename the current executable by changing the suffix from '.exe' to '.old' 
   If there was a previous file with the '.old' suffix, this file can safely be 
   deleted prior to renaming.

	Note: The exact executable name depends on the flavor of Stata you 
	      installed. Small Stata: wsmstata.exe; Intercooled: wstata.exe;
	      and Stata/SE: wsestata.exe

3. Rename the newly dowloaded executable (for example: wstata.bin) by 
   changing the suffix from '.bin' to '.exe' Use this Stata as you would 

  	Note: If there is a problem with the newly downloaded Stata, you can
	      always revert back to the older one by reversing this process.

Next time you update, use the -update swap- command as you did previously. If
the problem persists you should contact Stata Technical Support at
[email protected]. They will be able to help you diagnose the problem.

[email protected]
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