Gang Peng replied:
> Thanks for the responding. But how come mine doesn't work? Here's the
> code:
> . xtlogit internet education exp exp_2 marriage union job,fe
> Results omitteed..............................
> . mfx compute
> predict() expression unsuitable for marginal effect calculation
> r(119);
> The above is the error message. Could you tell me what's wrong?
> I'll try -margin- command later.
Um, hard to say: I never encountered that problem, just mind-numbing
torpor. You could try something like
. mfx compute, predict(outcome(1))
and see if that works. It probably won't given the content of the error
message. But you never know.
I should make a correction: -margin- is _not_ available via SSC. To
download it, type:
. net from
. net install margin
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