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Re: st: Cox-Model - Predicted time of failure

From   Marcello Pagano <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Cox-Model - Predicted time of failure
Date   Fri, 09 Jul 2004 18:28:01 -0400

This method is fine as far as it goes, but it does have a negative bias. One, ad hoc, way to compensate for the bias is to add an exponential tail to the survival curve after the last censored observation. The area under this addition to the curve can be evaluated theoretically and thus tacked on to the area calculated by May. This estimator appears in a number of places. Do not ask me for statistical properties of this estimator.

Just a suggestion.


May Boggess wrote:

On Friday, Virgilio asked:

How can I get the predicted time of failure using the Cox Model.
I would really appreciate any help.

The suggestion put forward by Roy, to compute the area under the
survival curve, is also what I would say. Here is some code for a very
simple example:

set obs 3
gen t=_n
gen f=1
stset t, f(f)
sts list
stcox, estimate basesurv(s)
sts graph
sort _t

local N1=_N+1
set obs `N1'
replace _t=0 in `N1'
replace s=1 in `N1'
sort _t twoway line s _t, connect(stairstep) yscale(r(0 1))

gen box=s*(_t[_n+1]-_t) egen area = sum(box)
list area in 1

In the case where the survivor function eventually reaches zero, as in
my easy example, the area under the curve is finite. But if the last
time in the dataset is a censored time, then the survivor function
remains positive for all t. So, in that case, it isn't clear to me what
you can say about the area. If you run the above code anyway, the area
you get is as if the last time is a failure.

In my last example, I have avoided this problem by making certian the
survival function goes to zero. I am estimating the expected survival
time for a subject of mean age:

sysuse cancer
replace di=1 if st==39 stset st, f(di)
sum age
replace age=age-r(mean)
stcox age, basesurv(s)
stcurve, surv sort _t
local N1=_N+1
set obs `N1'
replace _t=0 in `N1'
replace s=1 in `N1'
sort _t
twoway line s _t, connect(stairstep)

gen box=s*(_t[_n+1]-_t)
egen area = sum(box)
list area in 1

[email protected]

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