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RE: st: A problem about drawing graph

From   [email protected] (Derek Wagner, StataCorp)
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: A problem about drawing graph
Date   Fri, 09 Jul 2004 10:23:06 -0500

Maoyong Fan  wrote:

> When I use graph matrix to draw matrix graphs, I got the error message: 
> . graph matrix `covariates'
> value label M06_Q01 not found
> no variables defined
> no variables defined
> no variables defined
> When I draw histgram, I also got an error message
> . hist  c06_gangs
> (bin=35, start=0, width=.02857143)
> value label M06_Q01 not found
> no variables defined
> no variables defined
> no variables defined
> r(111); t=0.33 20:46:29

It appears that your value label "M06_Q01" has been dropped somewhere along
the way.  For example, try the following using the auto dataset:

. sysuse auto

. describe foreign

              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
foreign         byte   %8.0g       origin     Car type

As you can see, the foreign variable has the "origin" value label.

. graph matrix mpg foreign

Not the best example, but a graph appears.  Now, drop the label and run
the command again:

. label drop origin

. graph matrix mpg foreign
value label origin not found
no variables defined
no variables defined
no variables defined

. describe foreign

              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
foreign         byte   %8.0g       origin     Car type

Although the label has been dropped, it apparently is still somewhat 
associated with the variable (as seen in -describe-) which is causing an 
error in graphics.  

The error message is correct since the label has been dropped, but the 
graphics commands should be "smart" enough to know that the label no 
longer exists, etc.  This has been brought to the attention of our
developers and a change will be made in a future update.

In the meantime, you can relabel the variable with an empty value
label in order to eliminate the original:

. label values foreign

Derek Wagner
<[email protected]>
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