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Re: st: SAS proc format and regression

From   Nick Winter <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: SAS proc format and regression
Date   Thu, 08 Jul 2004 13:50:57 -0400

I'm not entirely clear on what is going on in your SAS syntax (a problem I have a lot with SAS syntax . . .), but I think you cannot do what you want without creating a new variable.

Certainly -label- is not the tool for the job--it only deals with the names attached to the underlying values of a variable, and is irrelevant to estimation commands.

Why not do this:

generate byte schoolhi = school>=12 if school<.
logistic y schoolhi

I'll note that this takes two lines of code, compared with the 8 in SAS.

--Nick Winter

At 12:22 PM 7/8/2004 -0400, you wrote:

In SAS, we can use proc format to change label value, for example, school is the years of schooling, which ranges 0 to 17. We can use:
proc format;
value school low-<12='<12' 12-high='12+';
later in regression we can use the format so that school is inlucded as a dummy variable:
proc logistic;
class school;
model y=school;
format school school.;
How do we achieve the same goal in Stata without creating new variables? I thought we could use label define and label value, but it didn't work.
Thanks a lot,


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Nicholas Winter 607.255.8819 t
Assistant Professor 607.255.4530 f
Department of Government [email protected] e
308 White Hall w
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4601

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