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Re: st: Error message - too many variables?

From   Ada Ma <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Error message - too many variables?
Date   Wed, 07 Jul 2004 18:22:20 +0100

Update to Stata 8 SE. From what I saw you seems to be using Stata 7. If you're using dummy variable generator -xi-, you might actually have way more variables than you realise.

Another thing is that when you see an error message, clicking on the error codes will show you more about the error in the Viewer. For example in your case you should click on "r(900)". May be you should also read the first chapter of Stata User Guide, or even better, cover to cover. I find the User Guide to be extremely useful and should be read every time you upgrade a version.


Peters, J.L. wrote:


I wondered if anyone had encountered the following error message & how they dealt with it:

no room to add more variables
An attempt was made to add a variable that would have resulted in more
than 2048 or 2047 variables (Stata reserves one variable for its own use).
You have the following alternatives:

1. Drop some variables; see help drop.

2. If you are using Stata/SE, increase maxvar; see help maxvar.

For a number of different scenarios of a meta-analysis, I am simulating 1000 datasets - these datasets contain up to 100 observations (the primary studies in the meta-analysis) and 15 variables.
Each dataset is meta-analysed and the results are posted to a file. This file of results then contains 1000 observations and 24 variables.

Any suggestions on why I might be getting this error message would be appreciated.

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