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Re: st: Kaplan Meier curves & cumulative probability

From   May Boggess <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Kaplan Meier curves & cumulative probability
Date   06 Jul 2004 11:05:56 -0500

On Saturday, Kathy wrote:

> I'm trying to use Kaplan Meier statistics to plot the cumulative
> probability that an event occurred.  I want a plot of the log of negative
> log of survival (y axis) versus time (x axis). I'd also like to stratify by
> an important categorical risk factor and test for significance between two
> or more cumulative probability curves.  How can I create such cumulative
> probability statistics AND graphical plots in Stata?

Suppose s is the survival function and _t is the analysis time. Then
a plot of -ln(-ln(s)) verses ln(_t) can be done by the command
-stphplot-. Using the options -by()- or -strata()- on -stphplot- will
produce one curve per level of a categorical variable.

Since Kathy wants _t, rather than ln(_t) on the horizontal axis, she
should use the option -nolntime- to get that plot. Also to get
ln(-ln(s)), rather than -ln(-ln(s)), Kathy can use the option

This only solves part of Kathy's problem. She also wants to create
variables with the values of the functions ploted. This can be done
using -sts gen- as follows:

 sysuse cancer
 stset st, f(di)
 sts gen s=s, by (drug)
 gen s1=s if drug==1
 gen s2=s if drug==2
 gen s3=s if drug==3
 sort _t
 twoway line s1 s2 s3 _t, connect(stairstep stairstep stairstep)
 sts, by(drug)

 gen lnlns1=ln(-ln(s1)) if drug==1
 gen lnlns2=ln(-ln(s2)) if drug==2
 gen lnlns3=ln(-ln(s3)) if drug==3
 twoway  connected lnlns1 lnlns2 lnlns3 _t
 stphplot, by(drug) nolntime nonegative

Lastly, Kathy needs to test for difference between these curves. This
can be done by using -sts gen- again to get the standard errors,
creating the confidence intervals and then plotting, as follows:
 sts gen sell=se(lls), by(drug)
 gen sell1=sell if drug==1
 gen sell2=sell if drug==2
 gen sell3=sell if drug==3
 gen lb1=lnlns1-invnorm(0.975)*sell1 if drug==1
 gen lb2=lnlns2-invnorm(0.975)*sell2 if drug==2
 gen lb3=lnlns3-invnorm(0.975)*sell3 if drug==3
 gen ub1=lnlns1+invnorm(0.975)*sell1 if drug==1
 gen ub2=lnlns2+invnorm(0.975)*sell2 if drug==2
 gen ub3=lnlns3+invnorm(0.975)*sell3 if drug==3
 twoway rarea lb1 ub1 _t, bcolor(gs12) || /* 
   */ rarea lb2 ub2 _t, bcolor(gs13) || /* 
   */ rarea lb3 ub3 _t, bcolor(gs14)   || connected lnlns1 _t || /*
   */ connected lnlns2 _t ||  connected lnlns3 _t

 [email protected]

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