Lutz Engelhardt ([email protected]) asked about graph preferences
and extended ASCII characters in Stata graphs under Linux:
> First, Stata8 graphs are generally not able to display German Umlaute,
> though X devices called by other programs (e.g. R) can do so perfectly
> well.
> Second, whenever I try to open the graph preference the current instance
> of Stata8 is killed.
> I already changed manually the graph font in ~/.stata8/:0.0/stata8rc to
> -*-times-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 but without any effect. I
> also completely re-installed the XFree86 packages as well as Stata8. Again
> without any effect.
> Even more confusing is that my result window is able to display Umlaute
> and special characters!
The display of extended ASCII characters such as the ones Lutz wants
in graphs is strictly controled by the font being used by the graph
window. If the character is in a string to be displayed in the graph,
and the font used by the graph window supports that character, it will
be displayed.
The crash of Stata when Lutz tries to open the Graph Preferences dialog
is odd. I suspect that his preference have somehow become corrupt.
I would recommend removing (or moving to a safe place) Stata's preferences
and starting with a default set:
% cd ~
% mv .stata8 .stata8bakprefs
If one or both problems persist, Lutz should contact Stata Technical
Support at [email protected]. They will be able to help him
diagnose the problem.
([email protected])
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