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st: difference of means with complex survey data

From   "Robert Bozick" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: difference of means with complex survey data
Date   Fri, 02 Jul 2004 11:45:26 -0400

Hi Stata-listers -

I am using a data set with a complex sampling design. It is a two-stage cluster design in which the first level is schools and the second level is students. When estimating regression models with this data set, I have typically used the survey procedures to adjust the estimates and the standard errors for the stratified cluster design of the sample. For example, something like this:

svyset [pweight = wt], strata(strata1) psu(school)
svylogit y x1 x2 x3

For my current analysis, I want to perform ttests (ttest) and a oneway analysis of variance (oneway) to compare the differences between group means and group proportions. There does not appear to be svy commands available for this type of analysis. Is there a way for me in stata to correct the standard errors for the stratified cluster design when comparing means and proprotions among two groups using the commands ttest and oneway? Or is there another way to do this in stata?

Thanks in advance!

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