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st: How to calculate adjusted standard errors in Quattro Pro

From   SamL <[email protected]>
To   Stata Listserve <[email protected]>
Subject   st: How to calculate adjusted standard errors in Quattro Pro
Date   Thu, 1 Jul 2004 11:58:43 -0700 (PDT)

I get some output from Stata.  Then, I move it into Quattro Pro.
Somehow, I can't figure out what to click on in quattro pro to input a
formula into my stata produced output.  I know I could calculate that
adjusted standard errors in stata, but I don't have time to read the
manual to figure out how to manipulate the matrices to do that.  Someone
on statalist HELP!


I am making a statement.  It is direct.  There is no anger in it.  I am
from the east coast of the US where being polite also allows one to be
direct.  Please do not hear anger in my words.  They are just my direct
statement about the facts as I see them.  I admit I could be wrong.  I
think my view has some strong relationship to reality, though.  But I am
willing to be corrected.

So, here goes.

The first paragraph in this statement is what many of these messages about
how to use windows sound like.  Of course, we all use multiple
programs--no one has yet made the
extendable-to-anything-else-one-would-ever-want-to-do package, so we all
have a need to interface with multiple packages and often we need to get
them to talk with each other.

I guess one can't really do anything about people sending questions to a
list that are about other packages, I just want to indicate that it seems
a bit . . . off, as my quattro pro example is meant to suggest.  In the
example to which I am responding, a file is saved in some package (in this
case stata, but it could be any package) as a wmf or emf file.  Then, the
file is brought into windows.  The author wants to edit the file in
Windows.  Why is the author sending this note to statalist instead of to a
list dedicated to MSWord?  Wouldn't the MSWord list be better able to
answer a question about how MSWord handles filetypes?  The package that
produced the graph is not relevant in the first instance--only after it
becomes clear that something wierd about wmf files produced in stata as
opposed to other packages occurs is it useful to explore, with *all* the
people on statalist, whether there are any tricks specific to
stata-produced wmf files.

Anyway, I assume the MSWord clutter will continue.  And, eventually, all
the really helpful advice on stats will stop.  Because the people who
provide that help--not me--will become so tired of getting e-mails about
what to click on in MSWord to make something happen, they will

And, once again, the commons will be destroyed because people could not
regulate themselves.  I hope I am wrong, but nothing in the trend over the
archives suggests I am.  (Of course, one could analyze that by modelling
the (suspected) increase in MSWord-related questions over time; my guess
is it is following a classic diffusion curve, the incidence is still low,
there is still a chance to nip this tendency in the bud, but it is
increasing exponentially and thus time is running out.)



On Thu, 1 Jul 2004, Renzo Comolli wrote:

> Thank you, Michael.
> I should have specified that I tried what you said and it did not work.
> I have MSWord 2002 (part of Office XP) fully patched. And Windows XP Pro
> fully patched.
> What does move one step forwards (and two backwards) is to import the
> picture. Cut the picture. Paste Special the picture selecting Microsoft
> Drawing Object.
> Unfortunately, as you said, that destroys the picture more often than not.
> Renzo
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> *From   "Michael Blasnik" <[email protected]>
> To   <[email protected]>
> Subject   st: Re: .wmf or .emf ? Can we edit the graphs outside Stata? How
> Date   Thu, 1 Jul 2004 13:42:04 -0400
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> I suggest that you look at help for MS Word, where you will find that (in
> windows, at least) you can right click on any .emf or .wmf graphic that you
> import and find the choice for -edit picture-.
> [omit rest of message]
> *
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> *
> *
> *
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