Dear Stata users,
Is there a simple way to do Generalised Least squares in STATA?
The robust option along with the _regress_ is not equivallant to doing a
GLS right? So appart from doing GLS as below is there a simple command
which does the job?
regress depvar x1.... xk
predict e, residual
generate esq = e^ 2
regress esq x1.... xk
predict v
regress depvar x1.... xk [aweight = 1/v]
[This is a feasible GLS estimation or feasible weighted least sqares
Thanks in advance,
Rijo John.
Rijo.M.John,Research Scholar
Indira Gandhi Institute of Developement Research,
Film City Road, Goregaon East,
Mumbai, India-400065.
contact: (+91)9892412476
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