Dear Friends,
With the great help of statalist friends, I learned a lot about doing graphs in stata. However, a wired thing happened to me last night: the program stopped half way even when I use nostop option. I wonder why this happen.
my program:
set memory 200m
set maxvar 2048
set more off
set rmsg on
cd c:/world_bank/6_17-2004_Stata_statistics
***log using "6_17_2004_Al_basic_stat_graph_appendix.log",replace
set logtype text
set linesize 255
local file_name = "price_list_cl1.dta subjpov_cl.dta transfer_a.dta transfer_b.dta transfer_c_cl.dta weights.dta"
foreach var of local file_name{
use c:/world_bank/data_stata/`var', clear
foreach v of varlist _all {
tab `v'
histogram `v', title("Histogram of `v'") saving("`var'_Histogram_`v'",replace) addlabels normal percent
quantile `v', title("Quantile of `v'") saving("`var'_Quantile_`v'",replace) rlopts(clp(dash))
***log close
I put the data on
Warm regards,
Maoyong Fan
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