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st: RE: Multinomial Logit vs. Regression with dummy

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Multinomial Logit vs. Regression with dummy
Date   Fri, 18 Jun 2004 10:57:28 +0100

You say you want to see differences between three cities. 
Presumably there are several data for each city (census 
tracts, or whatever). In this case, a graph will 
surely be the first thing to try and something like 
-tabstat- the second thing to try. After these, a more 
formal modelling approach is superfluous or dubious or 
both. In addition to comments made by other people, 
note that your density values will surely be spatially 
autocorrelated. This makes any P-values coming out of 
almost any formal model without a spatial 
element close to nonsensical. 

[email protected] 

Sugie Lee

> I want someone to help me on a following question.
> Let's suppose we have three cities (city A, city B, city C).
> And we have just one variable which is population density(POPDEN)
> I may try regular regression as follows:
> .reg POPDEN dummy(city A) dummy(city B)
> What if I use multinomial logit?
> In this case, the dependent variable is "CITY"(A,B,C)
> .mlogit CITY POPDEN
> .listcoef
> I want to see differences of population density between cities.
> "listcoef" command immediately after "mlogit" will give me these
> differences.
> My question is whether I can use mlogit for this case?
> If mlogit is possible for this case, I will do analysis with more
> independent variables as follows:

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