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st: RE:[training Stata programming]

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE:[training Stata programming]
Date   Wed, 16 Jun 2004 17:43:15 +0100

There are at least two clear but distinct answers 
to this. 

1. StataCorp have massive experience 
running NetCourses. But their way of 
doing it may be quite different from 
what you have in mind. 

2. What do you have in mind? There is 
one unequivocal definition of Stata 
programming. It means that you 
write Stata programs, that is you 
write things like this: 

	program myprog 

Can you confirm that this is what you 
have in mind? Or are you thinking of 
something else? 


Jovina Johnson
> I was wondering if anybody has experience training groups in Stata
> programming. Any help is appreciated.

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