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Re: st: Taking Means of Vars Across Time Period

From   Thomas Trikalinos (.Mac) <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Taking Means of Vars Across Time Period
Date   Wed, 16 Jun 2004 18:50:37 +0300

Can't you put everything in the same dataset? you can use a coding variable named data to indicate origin of the pertinent observations.
(If the corresponding vars are not identically named in different datasets rename them all to var1 , var2 and var3).

. use dataSet1.dta
. gen data =1
. append using dataSet2.dta
. replace data = 2 if data ==.

etc, and then calculate whatever you want. eg for all obs pooled

. summ

or for each dataset separately

. bysort data: summ



PS you can easily automate that, if you have more than 10 datasets (or even with ten). rename the datasets as dataSet1.dta etc.; write and run the do file:

use dataSet1.dta
gen data =1

local i = 2
while `i' <11 {
append using dataSet`i'.dta
replace data = `i' if data ==.
local i = `i' +1

Which in essence does the same as the step by step process.

On Jun 16, 2004, at 18:37, Frank Zhang wrote:

Dear Statalisters,

I have a question regarding taking means for data
across 10 time periods. For example,

For each of the 10 periods, I have a separate dataset

      var1   var2   var3
obs1   --     --     --
obs2   --     --     --
obs3   --     --     --

How do I taking means of var1-var3 for all
observations across those 10 time periods with STATA?
Or if EXCEL is easier, how can i do it with EXCEL.
Help me out, thank you very much.

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