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st: -graph hbox- and -graph box-: putting text on the other y axis

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: -graph hbox- and -graph box-: putting text on the other y axis
Date   Wed, 16 Jun 2004 09:32:34 +0100

Recently I wanted to put text labels on the apparently unused 
other y axis of a box plot. The control following from 
stuff like -yaxis(1 2)- is not available, as -graph box- 
and -graph hbox- are not -twoway- commands. The following
works fine for my purposes. Is there a less devious way
to do this? 

My real example involves confidential data, but 
the principle can be seen in 

. sysuse census 
. graph hbox medage, over(region, total) text(34.7 108 "Florida") 
subtitle(" ")  ysc(r(.,35.5)) 

The manual explains that for -text(#y #x "text")- the x
axis is scaled from 0 to 100 in the case of a box plot. However, 
numbers outside this range can be used (at least in moderation). 
A little experiment shows that 108 is a suitable position, 
at least with my default font. The -subtitle()- and -ysc()- 
calls add extra space above and to the right. With a real subtitle, 
you'd probably need to do extra stuff to raise the subtitle text
away from the axis, as recently covered in another thread. 

[email protected] 

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