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Re: st: data manipulation

From   Gary Longton <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: data manipulation
Date   Tue, 15 Jun 2004 15:25:42 -0700

In addition to Nick's -reshape- solution, here's an alternative approach which uses -bysort- to fill in and drop observations:
The first 2 lines of the -forvalues- loop are just asserting what you imply is true - that there is indeed only one non-missing value for each series variable within country-year combination.

forvalues i = 1/3 {
egen notmiss = count(series`i'), by(country year)
assert notmiss == 1
qui bysort country year (series`i'): replace series`i' == series`i'[1]
drop notmiss
qui by country year: drop if _n>1

- Gary

[email protected] wrote:

Hello, I have what may be a basic question. I have data like this:
country year series1 series2 series3
1 1 1000 . .
1 2 1035 . .
1 1 . 50 .
1 2 . 53 .
1 1 . . 7 1 2 . . 8.5
2 etc

Is there anyway I can basically collapse these so that:
country year series1 series2 series3
1 1 1000 50 7
1 2 1035 53 8.5

for a number of countries?

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