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Re: st: Marginal effects

From   May Boggess <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Marginal effects
Date   15 Jun 2004 07:13:43 -0500

On Monday, Peter Harper wrote:

> Is the marginal effects command after doing oprobit
> the same in Stata8 as it is in Stata7. Stata FAQ says
> Stata7 command is not relevant for Stata8.

The command -mfx- is the same in Stata 7 and 8. There were some
improvements made to the ado code in the March 2004 update, but none of
these fundamentally changed what -mfx- calculates after -oprobit-.

I suspect what may have confused Peter is that FAQ's written for Stata 7
are not removed, as they are still of value to Stata 7 users, but the
content may not be relevant for Stata 8 users. This may be for various
reasons, and does not necessarily mean that the command has changed. 

One reason may be that a new FAQ was written that superseded the
previous one, and if a Stata 8 command like -sysuse- was in the FAQ,
Stata 7 users wouldn't get very far running the examples, so the old one
is still needed for Stata 7 users. Another reason is that users may have
bookmarked the old FAQ and may be dismayed to find it was removed. So,
the old FAQ is kept, but note is added to the top saying that this is
now a Stata 7 FAQ.

If Peter would like to email me privately about which FAQ gave him the
wrong impression, I'll take a look at it.

[email protected]

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