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Re: st: Exporting Stata windowing preferences under Windows

From   Roger Newson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Exporting Stata windowing preferences under Windows
Date   Mon, 14 Jun 2004 16:12:51 +0100

At 14:26 14/06/2004, Pete Huckelba wrote:
Alan Riley wrote:


Let me suggest an alternate approach, however.  Stata is smart enough
to store its preferences on a per-user basis.  If I wanted to work
with one set of preferences most of the time under my regular account,
but I sometimes wanted to use Stata (and other software perhaps) for
presentations on a screen with a different resolution, I would set
up two user accounts for myself.  The first one (let's call it just
"alan") would be my normal account used on a day-to-day basis.  The
second one might be "alanproj" (think 'projector' for presentations).
Stata, and many other applications, could then be set up with
preferences specific to each account.  Switching between them is
as easy as logging out of one account and logging into the other.
Instead of logging out under Windows 2000 or switching users under Windows XP, you can also use the Windows "Run as" control. Instead of launching the application by left-clicking on the icon or shortcut, hold down the shift key and single right-click. A new dialog box will appear with "Run as" as the second option. Select this launcher and use the alternate user credentials to launch Stata.

NOTE: This will _not_ work under Windows NT.
Thanks to Pete for that helpful advice, which will save the trouble of logging off and on if I go down that route. In my case, I would probably use the -runas- command line, as I usually launch Stata from the TextPad Tools menu.


Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
King's College London
5th Floor, Capital House
42 Weston Street
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United Kingdom

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