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st: Simple logit question - feeding data

From   "Julia Gamas" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Simple logit question - feeding data
Date   Wed, 9 Jun 2004 11:26:16 -0400

Dear all,
I have a very basic question.  I am running a simple logit and want to know
how to "feed" the data to the logit command.
I have Y= whether a person took a private car (1)or public transit (0)on a
given trip.  My possible explanatory variables are, as reported by travelers
in an Origin Destination Survey:
-income per person (continuous),
-average distance between zones (average),
-travel time for the mode they used (continuous),
-number of vehicles available to the household this traveler belongs to
-income bracket that this traveler's household belongs to (about 5
I will also be creating a
-cost variable (fare paid if public transit was used, parking and gas
expenses dependent on the average distance traveled.
Do I just give Stata this information as is, even if one variable is an
average, another is categorical and another is continuous (per person)?
I would hate to bunch all of them into categories because it seems to me I'd
lose a lot of information by doing this.
Any help with this would be appreciated, or if there is a book or paper I
can refer to, please let me know.
Julia A. Gamas
Program on Urban, Regional and Global Air Pollution

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