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st: Re: Trouble copying graphs to Word from Explorer

From   "Michael Blasnik" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: Trouble copying graphs to Word from Explorer
Date   Tue, 8 Jun 2004 17:05:24 -0400

I think this may be more of an issue with your use of MS Word than with

If you -graph export mygraph.emf-, then you've created mygraph.emf, and you
can bring it into MS Word in whatever ways it allows.  If you create a lot
of graphs with a do file, then the do file can perform the export to emf for
you.  After that point, it's still up to Word.

That usually means Insert->Picture->FromFile, or you can just drag a file
(or whole group of files) from the explorer view directly into Word.  If you
grab multiple files, word just stacks all the graphs on top of each and then
you have to move them around.  If you want to automate things more, you can
try to learn about Word Fields, in particular, you can instruct word to
include a file (includepicture field) and that will establish a link, which
you can then update if the .emf changes.

 I recently learned how to use mail merge in Word to grab the name of the
picture file from a text database (which I create in Stata) and insert it
into the includepicture field.  This approach allowed me to create a 186
page appendix to a report that includes three Stata graphs on each page
(yes, 558 different graphs) by just creating a one page file in Word and
issuing a mail merge comand --  186 pages are created in about 1 minute.
You can check online forums about Word for details on this or email me

Michael Blasnik
[email protected]

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wagner, Joseph" <[email protected]>
To: "'STATAList'" <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 11:08 AM
Subject: st: Trouble copying graphs to Word from Explorer

> My officemate is able to copy a range of graphs created in Stata to an
> Word document but I am unable.  I have tried saving the graphs in .emf and
> .wmf format as well as using the -asis- option but to no avail.  I would
> prefer to create and save a series of graphs in a .do file and not have to
> create each graph one by one and then copy from Stata.  Is there something
> have missed with my set up of Stata?  I have seen references in statalist
> using -translate- but those posts still refer to Insert -> Picture -> From
> file for each graph.  My officemate cannot recall doing any in particular
> her Stata set up. We are both using Stata ver. 8 and XP.

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