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st: Tempvars with ylabel

From   "Doug Simmons" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Tempvars with ylabel
Date   Tue, 08 Jun 2004 13:35:01 -0500

Is it possible to use tempvars (or some other Stata variable) to specify
values with the -ylabel- command? I have tried
-tempvar Mean-
-ylabel(`Mean', axis(2))-
but it gives me the error 
"invalid label specifier, :  __000000:".

It appears to be evaluating to the macro name, but not the stored
value. I have tried using compound quotes, but get similar results.

I am attempting to build a .do file that will automate the graphing of
data that varies such that `Mean' could be different at each run of the
file. I use -graph twoway line `Mean'- to generate a reference line on
my graph and it works as expected. It just doesn't seem quite right to
me that I can use the temporary variable to draw the graph, but not to
label it.

Thank you for your assistance.

Doug A. Simmons, MBA
Director of Research and Statistics
Larned State Hospital
R.R. 3, Box 89
Larned, Kansas  USA  67550
[email protected]
620-285-4562 voice
620-285-4579 fax
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