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st: Quintile lines in Area chart (or any chart)

From   "Branco Ponomariov" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Quintile lines in Area chart (or any chart)
Date   Tue, 8 Jun 2004 13:23:02 -0400


I am not very familiar with the graphing functions in stata yet, and I have
the following problem:

For some basic stats (frequencies) I also need to make it visible how are
the observed values concentrated/dispersed across different quintiles. I
have to present the data as an area chart format and have the quintile lines
drawn from the x axis up to the frequency line - e.g. to show at which value
the first quintile end and so on. So far I have not found a single
stats/spreadsheet package that can do that - excel, spss, sigma plot cannot
do that. Is this possible in stata and how?

Many thanks,

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