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a guess (Re: st: generate a tscs pseudo-population...)

From   Toyoto Iwata <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   a guess (Re: st: generate a tscs pseudo-population...)
Date   Tue, 08 Jun 2004 08:54:42 +0900

Yesterday, I enjoyed the instruction for creating
sample data posted by Bill, as usual. But there might be a blank
in the latter portion. This should have been a test for us, 
primary graders. So I  tried to fill it.

>         . gen x2 = . 
>         . replace x2 = 1 in 1
>         . replace x2 = 
>         . gen x2 = 4 + .2*x2[_n-1] + 2*invnorm(uniform())

.replace x2 = 4 + .2*x2[_n-1] + 2*invnorm(uniform()) if x2 ==.

Is this right?


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