From | Rachel Wade <[email protected]> |
To | "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> |
Subject | st: Stepwise logistic regression with categorical variables |
Date | Mon, 7 Jun 2004 15:37:54 +0100 |
I am trying to carry out a stepwise logistic regression (I am aware of its limitations and am using it for exploratory purposes) and have a combination of categorical and continuous variables I wish to potentially include in a model. For example the line of code below: xi: sw logistic status v3 i.v5 v6 v17 v18 v19 v21 i.v25 v26 i.v27 i.v28 i.v29 i.v30 i.v31
My question is how can I ensure that if the output contains a categorical variable (for example v25) that it contains the whole variable rather than just one or several of its categories, as this is no use to me.
I have looked in the help for xi and sw but find nothing on how to do this, yet I am sure that it must be possible.
Any assistance much appreciated,
With kind regards,
Rachel Wade |
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