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st: Problem with foreach loops

From   Ian Watson <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Problem with foreach loops
Date   Mon, 7 Jun 2004 15:36:49 +1000

Dear statalist,

  Can anyone spot the mistake with the following snippet of code.

  It actually works fine, and recodes and labels the variable
  in the way I wish, but in exiting (?) the loops it runs into problems.

  Any advice would be most appreciated.
begin snippet==================
foreach x in ajbmspay ajbmssec ajbmswrk ajbmshrs ajbmsflx ajbmsall {
.      foreach y in pay security work hours flexibility overall{
.           recode `x'(-4 -3 -1=.), gen(a_`y')
.           la var a_`y' "Satisfaction with `y'"
.      }
(5475 differences between ajbmspay and a_pay)
(5475 differences between ajbmspay and a_security)
(5475 differences between ajbmspay and a_work)
(5475 differences between ajbmspay and a_hours)
(5475 differences between ajbmspay and a_flexibility)
(5475 differences between ajbmspay and a_overall)
a_pay already defined

end snippet=========================

Kind regards,

Ian Watson
Senior Researcher
University of Sydney
NSW 2006

Phone: 02 9351 5622
  Fax: 02 9351 5615

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