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st: escape to the command window lost in 5/18 executable update

From   Gary Longton <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: escape to the command window lost in 5/18 executable update
Date   Fri, 04 Jun 2004 10:18:08 -0700

Does anyone else miss the ability to <escape> quickly from the help (viewer) window back to the command window? This was previously an apparently undocumented, maybe even unintentional, but very convenient function of the escape key.

In a communication yesterday with Chinh Nguyen of StataCorp, I wrote the following and also asked if polling Statalist to see if others might now miss this feature would help in the decision to bring this feature back or not. Chinh didn't realize the the escape key previously did this, indicated that the loss of this function was unintentional, and replied that, yes, a query to Statalist would help in deciding where to go with it.

(excerpt from message to Stata Tech support)
Though I welcome many of the windowing improvements in the May 18 executable update (eg. ability to lock the relative positions of the review and variables windows wrt the main stata window, keyboard scrolling of the results window, etc.), my stumbling fingers grumble daily about the loss of one feature - the ability to return to the command window from the help (viewer) window with a simple touch of the escape key. This may sound like a pretty minor gripe, but the transition from command window -> help (viewer) -> command window is a very frequent sequence for me, and much easier to navigate blindly and mouselessly with the escape key than looking down to make sure I hit the ctrl-4 combination correctly.

What is the likelihood of bringing this back?

Gary Longton

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