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st: Help making graph: connecting pre- and post- for 22 individuals

From   "Erik Beecroft" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Help making graph: connecting pre- and post- for 22 individuals
Date   Fri, 4 Jun 2004 09:11:36 -0400


I am using Stata 8 intercooled for Windows.

I want to make a graph showing growth in reading levels between the Fall
term and Spring term for 22 students. The data look like this:

student fall    spring
1       4.5     5.25
2       3.5     5.25
3       7.5     7.5
4       5.75    5.75
5       6.5     7.5
6       6.25    7.5
7       4.5     5.25
8       6.5     7.25
9       4.75    5.5
10      4.5     5.25
11      6.25    6.25
12      4.5     5.25
13      4.5     5.25
14      2.25    3.25
15      6.5     7.25
16      4.75    5.25
17      4.75    5.25
18      6.5     6.75
19      5.75    5.75
20      4.75    5.75
21      4.5     4.75
22      4.5     5.5

I would like one graph, with 22 lines, one per student.  The x axis would
be term, with two values, Fall and Spring.  The y axis would be reading
level. So the graph would show a line connecting Fall and Spring reading
levels for each student.

I have spent two hours trying to make this graph, using the Stata graphics
manual and "A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics."

I re-shaped the data to have 2 records per student, one for Fall and one
for Spring. I then tried a connected line graph, but the graph connected
lines _across_ students, not just within students.

I also re-shaped the data so that the scores for each student were a
separate variable (i.e., two records, one for Fall and one for Spring, with
22 variables, each showing the scores for an individual student).  I then
tried "twoway (line stu1-stu22 Term)", but it looks like only the first 15
lines were drawn, I suppose due to a limit in how many variables can be
included in one graph.

Can someone help?

Thank you,
[email protected]

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