Perhaps you want to recode them with special missing values?
. replace var1=.a if var1==99999
. replace var1=.b if var1==77777
or better:
. recode var1 (99999=.a) (77777=.b)
This will "treat" them as missing in calculations but you do not loose the fact
that .a means "unknown" and .b means "refused to answer".
Dan Blanchette
Carolina Population Center UNC-CH
[email protected]
>From Suzy <[email protected]>
>To [email protected]
>Subject st: simple question
>Date Wed, 02 Jun 2004 15:17:54 -0400
>Hi, I have continuous variables that are coded 99999 or 77777 for unknown or refused to answer. How do I handle this? I don't want to treat them as missing, if possible.
>Thank you.
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