From | "Wallace, John" <[email protected]> |
To | "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> |
Subject | st: RE: Adjacent values in graph_box |
Date | Wed, 2 Jun 2004 11:59:04 -0700 |
Having found my wayward graphics manual, I've located the answer to my first question: the default values are the calculations proposed by Tukey in his 1977 text, Exploring Data Analysis. The distance to the adjacent values is a multiple of the IQR (3/2 * (75th% - 25th%)). It doesn't look like there is an explicit way to change this (make it 3SD, for example). Does anyone know if this is ado-able, or is the graphics engine that generates the boxplot not accessible this way?
-----Original Message-----
Hi all I've misplaced my graphics manual at the moment, and I'm trying to figure out two things: 1) what are the default values for the adjacent values (location of the end of the whiskers on a boxplot) 2) Can/how are they altered?
I thought it was -graph box, cwhiskers(...)-, but that appears to be for the appearance of the whiskers (line weight, cap appearance, etc)
Thanks for any help, John Wallace | Research Associate | Test Method Development AFFYMETRIX, INC. | 3380 Central Expressway | Santa Clara, CA 95051 | Tel: 408-731-5574 | Fax: 408-481-0435
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