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st: wishlist - active dataset name in title bar

From   Fred Wolfe <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: wishlist - active dataset name in title bar
Date   Wed, 02 Jun 2004 05:22:11 -0500

I agree with Nick, but would like to suggest that the problem is somewhat worse. Right now I have 3 copies of Stata running (Windows XP Pro).

The task bar (the bar at the bottom of the Windows screen) shows:

3 copies of "Stata do file" and I can't tell which is which.
1 copy each of Stata/SE 8.2, 2-Stata/SE 8.2 and 3-Stata/SE 8.2. When the task bar gets crowded, I can't tell Stata/SE from Stata do file, as the truncation obscures the end of the description.

Given the problems of the world, this is a minor nuisance, but a nuisance nevertheless.

Here are some possible suggestions. I recognize that other would do it another way.

As I use an external text editor, I paste code into the Stata do file window, but never deliberately click in the do file in the task bar. Instead, from Stata: control-8, control-a, control-b is much easier and runs whatever I need. So would it be possible as an option not to show the Stata do files in the task bar? Then I would only have 3 Stata copies in task bar, not 6.

Second, could there be different logos on the task bar and/or colors for the windows associated with each copy so that each copy could be identified more easily. I suspect that this may be difficult to do.

Fred Wolfe

At 04:56 AM 6/2/2004, you wrote:

The principle of uniformity across platforms
is very important in Stataland, but not
an absolute. There are now lots of platform-specific
features, often tiny details which make things just
a little easier.

I wouldn't want StataCorp to put something like
this on the Mac version if it was alien to that
OS, but at least for Windows, this seems natural
and useful to me. I often have multiple Statas open, and even
with two I can get confused on which is using
which dataset.

On the specific problem, one answer is
provided by my favourite text editor.
At present I have multiple copies of that
open and the bars show names like

whatever.ado (c:\ado\...

somethingelse.ado (c:...

In short, the filename should go first
and the rest of the path afterwards. There
is almost never enough space for more than
a bit of the full name, but there is usually
enough space to provide some useful information.

[email protected]

David Vaughan

> On 01/06/2004, at 16:33, "Syed Gillani"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> > I mean that the Title bar (the top blue bar in stata window
> that reads
> > "Intercooled Stata 8.2") should mention the name of current
> dataset in
> > memory, like "Intercooled Stata 8.2 (abc.dta)" for the
> first window and
> > "2-Intercooled Stata 8.2 (lmn.dta)" or "3-Intercooled Stata 8.2
> > (xyz.dta)"
> > for other windows, if one has multiple sessions running.
> No thanks, because it is not a general solution for supported Stata
> platforms. I am quite happy to see the file name as the header of the
> Results window for the active data set but putting it in the
> title bar
> that reads "intercooled Stata 8.2" becomes the menu bar on Mac. Names
> somewhat longer than "abc.dta" e.g.
> "Intercooled Stata 8.2 - Capacity Mid-range November 2003 set 2.dta"
> do not work quite so well on the menu bar! Please stick to window
> titling.

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Fred Wolfe
National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases
Wichita, Kansas
Tel (316) 263-2125     Fax (316) 263-0761
[email protected]

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