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st: xtrchh

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: xtrchh
Date   Fri, 28 May 2004 12:16:01 -0400

I am running random coefficient model using my panel data (gravity model in 
international trade), using xtrchh command. 

Now my model is a bit tricky.  My dep. var has three dimensions.  Industry,
Country pair and year.  My explanatory variable has two dimensions.  Country
pair and year.   

I am trying to run random coefficient model assuming that group variable is 
industry (Y has variation across industry, but X does not).  I am yet not so
sure whether this is right or wrong approach econometrically. The STATA help
seem to be saying the group variable in Y has to be the same as the group
variable in X. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ayako Saiki
PhD student, Brandeis University. 

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