Dear Sheela,
I'm not sure what you mean by "unable to recognize a do-file from an
older version of Stata". It can mean several things. However, if your
problem is that you are not able to double click a do file to make it
run in Stata then Mac OS X has probably forgotten which program you
want to open the file with. If so, it is easy to correct:
Point your mouse to the file and right click the mouse button (or ctrl
click). Then choose "Get info". In the drop down menu "Open with"
choose Stata. If you want all files ending with the extension .do to
open with Stata push the button "Change All".
On 2004-05-28, at 00.42, Sheela Athreya wrote:
I searched the archives, but couldn't find anything regarding the
following: I am using Intercooled Stata 8.2, running on Mac OS 10.3.
It appears to be unable to recognize a do-file from an older version
of Stata.
Any idea or advice on how to get these older do-files recognized and
functional within the newest version of Stata?
Thank you,
Sheela Athreya, Ph.D.
Department of Anthropology
Texas A&M University
234 Anthropology Building
4352 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843
phone: 979-845-4785
fax: 979-845-4070
email: [email protected]
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Michael Ingre , PhD student & Research Associate
Department of Psychology, Stockholm University &
National Institute for Psychosocial Medicine IPM
Box 230, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
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