I have a number of categorical variables that I want to present on a stacked
bar chart (for each of the bars the height of the bar will be 100%).
My categorical variable (from 1-4) is the number of times an individual has
had a certain type of assessment by the outcome of interest (0=no, 1=yes).
I have included an example of the tabulated command I used to generate the
data I am trying to present graphically
tab2 DSM_mdep as_ht if self_ref==1, row mi
Ideally, I would then like to present on the same graph a number of
different types of assessment by the outcome (assessment1 by outcome,
assessment2 by outcome, assessment3 by outcome).
Catplot has been of some assistance but I haven't yet been able to get it to
stack the bars.
Ms Fiona Bruinsma
Research Fellow
Centre for the Study of Mothers' & Children's Health, La Trobe University
251 Faraday Street, Carlton
VIC 3053
Ph: (03) 8341 8583
Fax: (03) 8341 8555
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