This is a very understandable thing to
want. My guess, however, is that it
is much more difficult to implement
than you would guess. That is, it
would be possible to add code at the
low level that would let you slap
something Y X
on top of
scatter Y X
The difficulty is to do that while
also giving you, the user, the kinds
of handles that you really want
to control the details of the graphs.
Thus you might say, "All I want is an lfit Y X
on top on each scatter." But if that
is done blindly, then not everything
is what you really want: for example,
the y axis titles would probably be
too messy for your taste. So you
need a handle that controls that.
All this is guesswork, and a signal
to StataCorp to say that I am way
too pessimistic here. We're in weird
territory with the new graphics:
some things which might sound very difficult
are in fact very easy, and vice versa too.
[email protected]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of
> Garry Anderson
> Sent: 26 May 2004 08:13
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: scatterplot matrix with predicted plots
> Hi,
> Is it possible please to overlay a predicted plot (linear or
> quadratic or
> fractional polynomial etc) for each graph in a scatterplot matrix?
> There does not appear to be an option in
> graph matrix x1 x2 x3 x4 y
> or in the menu for scatterplot matrix
> Best wishes, Garry
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