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st: RE: "imputing" missing observations

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: "imputing" missing observations
Date   Tue, 25 May 2004 21:49:06 +0100

So long as 1989 is a value for some other 
zip, you can 

fillin zip year 
replace count = 0 if _fillin 

[email protected] 

Heather Taffet Gold, PhD 
> I've been looking all around, asking around, etc, and I can't 
> seem to find 
> out how to create new observations within my dataset.
> Here are the specifics of my problem:
> I have counts of cases by zip code and year (one observation 
> with count for 
> each zip, and year). It happened that I ended up with "missing" 
> observations if the count of cases was zero in a year, so my 
> data look 
> something like this
> zip             year    count
> 06010           1986    1
> 06010           1987    2
> 06010           1988    2
> 06010           1990    7
> ...
> How would I create a new observation for this zipcode in 1989 
> that has a 
> count of 0? I need to be able to create some lagged variables 
> by year and zip.

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