Dimitriy V. Masterov <[email protected]> asks:
> I would like to plot the probability that two people share a birthday as a
> function of the number of people in the room n. The formula is
> 1-product((366-i)/365,i,1,n)
> In TeX, it would be
> 1-\dprod\limits_{i=1}^{n}\frac{366-i}{365}.
> If I have a variable n={1,...,50}, how can I define the product within
> Stata? There does not seem to be math function that can do this.
The product is the exponentiated sum of the logs.
. clear
. set obs 100 // I assume that is enough, p(100) = .9999997
. gen i = _n
. gen p = 1-exp(sum(ln(366-i) - ln(365)))
P.S. The break-even point on a bet is n = 23 people.
[email protected]
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