Thanks Ulrich,
I liked the cond () solution because I didn't know this one...
This seems much more efficient.
> I don't know why you like the solution with cond(), but I prefer a
> solution
> with -inlist()- or -inrange()- for tasks like this this. With inlist()
> your
> your code-snippet might be coded like this:
> gen byte origin = 7 if nation == 3
> replace origin = 10 if inlist(nation,8,12,69,139,141)
> replace origin = 8 if inlist(nation,14,82)
> ...
> Others might propose a solution with -recode- but thats a matter of taste.
> In any case: see -help inlist- or -help recode- for more.
> Annelies Vos wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> in the FAQs I found the following very useful recommendation:
>> instead of:
>> . generate byte a = 1 if y <= 20
>> . replace a = 2 if y > 20 & y <= 30
>> . replace a = 3 if y > 30 & y <= 40
>> . replace a = 4 if y > 40 & y <.
>> do the following:
>> . #delim ;
>> . generate byte a =
>> cond(y<=20, 1,
>> cond(y<=30, 2,
>> cond(y<=40, 3,
>> cond(y<., 4,
>> . ))));
>> However, the variable I want to use it for (nationality) has many
>> values (every country in the world), which should be recoded into
>> countrygroups. I don't really like the idea of having to count the
>> number of "opening brackets": "(" , to know with how many "closing
>> brackets": ")" I should end. Is there any easier solution for this?
>> to explain a piece of my syntax:
>> > #delim;
>> > generate byte origin =
>> > cond(natio==3, 7,
>> > cond(natio==8, 10,
>> > cond(natio==12, 10,
>> > cond(natio==14, 8,
>> > cond(natio==28, -9,
>> > cond(natio==54, 6,
>> > cond(natio==69, 10,
>> > cond(natio==82, 8,
>> > cond(natio==139, 10,
>> > cond(natio==141, 10,
>> ...etcetera
>> ...which I would like to end on another way than:
>> > . ))))))))))
> many regards
> uli
> --
> [email protected]
> +49 (030) 25491-361
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