Daniel Egan
> Heres one for graphing masters:
> How would I make a graph (scatterplot or connected) with the x-axis
> going from 19-23, then 0-7. I am tracking hourly outcomes overnight,
> and so want to be able to graph from 1900 (7pm) to 0700 (7 am).
> My x (hour) values range from 0 to 23.
> As it stands, my command looks like:
> twoway (connected aarhc hour if createdby=="ba")
> (connected aarhc hour if createdby=="de")
> (connected aarhc hour if createdby=="kl")
> (connected aarhc hour if createdby=="aw")
> (connected aarhc hour if createdby=="lt")
> (connected aarhc hour if createdby=="is")
> if sd==0, legend(position(12) ring(0))
> so if possible, I would like to be able to include the range option
> in the "twoway (...)(...) , range(??)" option.
> The range option does not seem to support a numlist type format,
> i.e. I have tried
> r(19 20 21 22 23 0 1 .....) ...
-r()- is for specifying axis minimum and maximum and does not
help with this problem.
In essence you must specify to Stata a variable
which is increasing from one end to the other
of your time axis. So something like this is
gen Hour = cond(hour < 12, hour + 24, hour)
Now all that you need is show values of -hour-
as text labels for values of -Hour-. If you
need at most integer hours, you could do
something like this
foreach h of num 0/24 {
local H = cond(`h' < 12, `h' + 24, `h')
label def Hour `H' "`h'", modify
or this
foreach h of num 0/24 {
local H = cond(`h' < 12, `h' + 24, `h')
label def Hour `H' "`h':00", modify
label val Hour Hour
Alternatively, doing it on the fly may be
as efficient:
twoway (connected aarhc Hour if createdby=="ba")
if sd==0, legend(position(12) ring(0))
xla(17 "17:00" ... 25 "1:00" 26 "2:00" ...)
where you must fill the ... yourself.
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/