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st: Re: gamfit doesn't work

From   "jean ries" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: gamfit doesn't work
Date   Sat, 22 May 2004 20:12:21 +0200 (CEST)

A colleague of mine had the same problem. It turned out that there are two
versions of -gam- available: one from STB, and one from SSC (which is more
recent). We have deleted the already installed gam-files, and installed
the SSC version. After that, everything  worked fine. You can get the SSC
version by typing:

-ssc desc gam-

and then

-ssc get gam-

Alternatively, you can manually download the files from here:

good luck!


> hello
> I want to fit GAM's on my data, so I installed the gam ado and
> downloaded gamfit. gam seems to work well (it produces all the files
> needed by gamfit), but gamfit doesn't seem to work, because gam doesn't
> find the gamfits output file ($.out). I copied gamfit in the right
> directory, so that can't be the problem.
> I have tried the manuals and faq, but du�dn't find anything.
> Has somebody overcome this problem?
> I'm using:
> Stata 8.2
> Windows 2000 Professional
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